Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AM Run

63°F and no wind this morning at 6:05AM.  That’s the conditions I ran my quick little 2-miler.  I couldn’t sleep near the end of it…I went to bed saying to myself, “If you wake yourself up, go for a run.”  Well, I kept waking up and finally got out of bed to check the clock at 6.  I should have gotten up at 5:30-ish, when I first woke up, but boy, did it look dark behind the curtains.  When I left at 6:05 it was still dark, but that’s why the watch has a light on it.  ;-D


Anyway, about 7:06 pace, or something like that.  First run after the race.  Felt great, no pressure.  Figures, though, that I pulled a muscle in the center of the right side of my back.  I felt tight, so I twirled my arms to loosen up, but I was still too cold and it spasmed.  Oh well.  A little ice, some icy/hot cream and some more stretching and I’ll be fine.  Don’t feel too bad now even.  Have a chiro appt for tomorrow, as the last of it from last week anyway, so that’ll help.  AND Jess got us some massages set up for tomorrow night, too.  So, I should be feeling good!  Which is nice, since we’re heading out on our little trip Friday morning.


Go go go

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kickin Cancer 5k

Gosh, what to say?

First, can just check it out here. And here's a pic of the pace, in general.

The last two weeks, I wanted to taper. A short sprint workout day. A longer run nice and slow, a few medium paced runs at race distance, etc...well. I had done too many 4 milers just before then and got bored. Also, busy at work is always a good excuse. But, anyway. I did all right. If I had kept running and tapered well, I likely could have done better.

But going into it, even a week or so ago, I was thinking of just being below 7 min/mi. Well, I did the pace I wanted to start, started slowing as expected, then, I just felt OK, so I kept it below 7 min/mi pretty much the whole time. I went up/down just like the hills, and I didn't push it the last mile. I kind of saved it. I was really feeling it in my legs, so I figured just to push that last bit. I saw the clock ticking up, and realized I was doing great for getting in under 21 minutes, which I wasn't sure I just kept my feet moving and kicked it in for a nice 20:55. Felt great!

Especially after...Friday's run. It felt awesome. After sitting at my desk for 45 minutes it felt like my lower back broke out of NOWHERE. Well, luckily I had already made an appt for my chiro. HE IS A MIRACLE worker. He cracked everything every which way, and lo' and you read worked. Now, I need to keep stretching and get well again. I have two more appts already scheduled. Tomorrow and Thursday.

OK, that's it. I'm pretty proud of the run, I didn't go out way too fast and crazy, so...yippee!

Go go go!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Running From the Old Office

<<SScreen_090109-001.jpg>> I had a meeting over there, so I ran from there, so I could get a turkey burger from the roach-coach.  Pretty easy, but did hit a lot of hills.  Around 1 mile I did a lap around a baseball field, which ended up being a ¼ at 6:51 pace.  I then slowed as I went across the other park and up that pretty big hill.  You can easily see where/when I went up and down hills, with the pace jumping around so much.  I did push it in a little near the end.  Always like doing that.

Right hamstring is a bit tight.  Need to stretch that more.  Neck still funky.  Will try sits/pushes tomorrow morning.

Weather was smokey/ashey (sort of), from all the local fires.  Temp was around 80°.  A bit muggy, overcast and just plain miserable to run in. 

I have no idea how Im keeping motivated.  Im starting to get bored again.  I need to drive somewhere to run in an interesting place.  I am looking forward to the race, and going to CO for the golf tourney and a run in the canyons with Steve T.  After that.who knows.  I think I may need to join a group.

Go go go