Saturday Oct 14, 2006
Hmmmm....About 60-63°. 5 MPH winds, nice running weather. Summer went down for a nap, Jessica was showering, so I just took off. Started off kind of fast, sub 8 pace, then went around that loop, which is kinda uphill, so I slowed a bunch. Then I picked it up a little. I carried my GPS, which I'll try downloading the data to the PC later. Basically it said 3.206 miles, a touch more than the gmap. Basically ran the distance in 25:24, which is 7:55 pace. Here's the route:
I mapped this out before I ran it, hoping I'd run it. And it worked. It's a nice run, not really hilly, and running on that dirt road is nice. This will be my normal quick little weekend route, until I'm ready to go longer distances. For now, my work runs are my longer runs.
So, how'd I feel? Not bad, but not great. I've been icing my left heel and taking ibuprofen. Trying to keep ahead of the pain. I should ice it now, even, just to keep the swelling down, especially since Steve and I are supposed to run tomorrow at work. I wish I had been able to keep my pace up, more consistently, was about 8:00 pace, again. I'll see if I can get some data off my GPS.
Stupid Extra data taken from my GPS unit:
I started out fast and finished a bit quicker, but as seen in the slower pace as the altitude increased, I definitely slowed down up/around the loop. Will be fun running this ovre and over to see how my pace changes. I will try to do a consistent pace throughout sometime down the line. You'll note the graphs don't match the max/min numbers, because I averaged the data points to smooth the lines somewhat, because the GPS was taking data every 3-5 seconds.
Ran this again next week (yeah, this is a later edit on 10/22) and did up the stats from the GPS, based on the stopwatch locations...and here's the paces...check these compared to next Sunday's Run:
Home to Sign 7:24
Sign to Bit Outer 7:12
Bit Outer to Inner 8:35
Inner to Bit Top 9:06
Top to Inner 7:46
Inner to Outer 7:20
Outer to Sign 7:48
Sign to Home 7:54
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