Mar 24, 2008 - Work Out Back Around River
Motionbased Data
On Sanoodi I said:
Hmmm...longer than Mar 5 and 14, but slower...not by much. 7:30 pace for 8 miles is the fastest I went that far. I don't think I could have dropped 10 sec/mi if I ran that mile less...maybe, but I doubt it.Talked with Steve, well emailed actually. His calf tweaked out again, so he road as I ran. Which is OK, since I was wanting to go a bit longer and at a decent clip. But, yowsers, Owwie, that hurt. Legs still twinging.
But overall, pretty darn good. Same pains as always. Temp was about 60°F and that is warm. A good portion was downwind, i.e. NO WIND hitting me and it was SUNNY, right in my face, and HOT.
First run without a negative split in a while. Due to going out at 7:20 pace for two miles and 7:22 for the first 5k (22:53). Second 5k was 23:49, which is 7:41 pace. So, not horribly slow for that 5k, but definitely felt it.
Lungs even still burning.
What can you expect only running once in the last 5 days, twice in the last 6 counting today.
Tomorrow I'll shoot for the Havana hill with going around that lake area up by Havana and Orchard to add a bit to it...get 5.5 miles in about. I'm nearly to my 60 miles for the month already. Sweet.