From work to REI (and Back)
1.01 mi - 7:58 / 7:53 paceSub-8, but only one mile on the way to REI. Nothing to get overly excited about.
Back to Work: 2.33 mi - 19:09 / 8:12 paceSo, things here are good. Legs, feet, ankle all feel good. Ankle sore from not wearing running shoes ALL the time, but not like before, just an annoyance. First run last week my shoes were loose, so that was annoying, too, but yesterday the shoes felt great tightened and I had no equipment issues.
Legs are sore, and a bit tight. Breathing isn't too hard really, mostly legs slowing me down. This run was warm. About 80°F. no wind and SUNNY. So, sub-8 for that first mile, but after the break and knowing I'd be running >2 miles back, I took it a bit slower. I was definitely faster than this last week, it must have been sub-8 for the entire 2 miles.
Feels good to run again. Goal is going to be sub-8 for the entire race. Which I think is a pretty easy/pansy goal. I'll likely adjust that as the race gets closer.
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