Wednesday, June 03, 2009

June 2nd - 2 Miler at Home

After work I got a chance to head out for a quick run.  Quick meaning fast!

Mile 1 - 7:27
Mile 2 - 7:13

Total 2.09 - 15:15.7  - 7:17.7 pace

Felt good, too.  Just out/up Palms, over the 405 and around the park and back.  Chugged it a bit on the way back up over the freeway.  Ended up with a nice negative split, which as I always say, is a goal of mine.  Three laps over 7:30 and 3 laps under 7:00.  Would love to run on the track and see what I could do as far as pacing consistency.

Weather is as fantastic as ever.  Body is getting more used to it, but I did start feeling a slight twinge of possible shin-splints.  Time for some new shoes, soon. 

Missed doing pilates after the run, or after kids hit the hay.  Plan on running tomorrow at lunch and hopefully get in pilates tonight, or at least some good sit-(and push)-ups.

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