Friday, October 09, 2009


So, short day, too busy to do much else, so tried to pick up the pace at the end.  Easy to do a negative split when it’s like that.  Sunny, about 67°.  Only got in 2.25 miles.


Felt super and fine, no problems.  Just still do not like running on sidewalks and cross streets with lights…sigh.


Blah blah blah….and GO GO GO!!!!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

38, In More Ways Than 1

My 38th Birthday RunNice little 5 miler, that I happened to pull off in 38, ahem, minutes. 52°F, started in the dusk and sunny by the time I was done. Good negative split. Felt really nice. I have to wake up early to run more often.

Woke up to Jackson wet. Just after Jess said how he hasn't had a mistake in so long, and was done so much earlier than Summer. My fault, though. I forgot to have him do a bath-time or bed-time potty. Oops. And he was very tired and fell asleep pretty quick, so his body wasn't able to wake him up. The poor guy. But, he did get me out of bed for my run!!! For that, I thank him greatly! :-D

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Running Around and Races

OK, so, it’s been a while since I’ve written.  I’ve only run a measly 4 days since Sept 16th.  Once every 5 days.  Pains seem mostly gone in back and such, so that’s an awesome result.  But my running is slower now.  The only really interesting run was on Sept 27th.  I was in Colorado and ran up Bergen PassPic here (Not mine, and no it wasn’t snowy then).  Very slow average pace, but hey, it was about a 1500’ or so incline, and even the downhill was a pretty technical trail where I had to run slowly and safely.  The map I linked to is super rough, it was actually a bit under 9 mile loop, of which I ran 7.25 miles.  Yowsers!


Today was just an easy 4.5 miler on a nice cool day, low to mid 60s, street running during lunch at work.


A question.  I wonder how many people sign up for “races” but just use them as regular runs, and just to be in a big group?  I can NOT sign up for a race without planning, training and TRYING to be faster than a “training” run.  I just don’t see the point.  Just us competitive people?  Why I ask?  I’ve signed up for a half-marathon and wonder what I can do.  I’ll need to get back into training and do some longer runs.  Shooting for 1:30-1:45.  Then I’ll look into a marathon.  Gulp, I’ve never done a marathon before…probably for the competitive reason, I don’t want to just go out and run it, which I think I could do on any given day (yes, I’d have to walk/run, like many people do).


What do you think?  Do you enter “races” just to run?  I guess that’s why a lot of races now list a “Fun Run”….whatever……psshhh

Pics of the Bergen Pass...

This is what I saw when we parked. Gulp. What am I getting myself into?

I combined the Garmin images to put together the entire route and the elevation:

From the topographic map, you can see I didn't get the entire run in the watch. I turned off the timer for some walking, then said, "Wow, I'm walking more than expected, I should turn this back on until I'm really ready to run again." Which I did, after a mile or so of walking, with tiny bits of jogging in there.

If you can believe pictures on the internet, then this is proof it was me...

Garmin stats here:
5k Uphill
Resting Walk-Slight Jogs