Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Running Around and Races

OK, so, it’s been a while since I’ve written.  I’ve only run a measly 4 days since Sept 16th.  Once every 5 days.  Pains seem mostly gone in back and such, so that’s an awesome result.  But my running is slower now.  The only really interesting run was on Sept 27th.  I was in Colorado and ran up Bergen PassPic here (Not mine, and no it wasn’t snowy then).  Very slow average pace, but hey, it was about a 1500’ or so incline, and even the downhill was a pretty technical trail where I had to run slowly and safely.  The map I linked to is super rough, it was actually a bit under 9 mile loop, of which I ran 7.25 miles.  Yowsers!


Today was just an easy 4.5 miler on a nice cool day, low to mid 60s, street running during lunch at work.


A question.  I wonder how many people sign up for “races” but just use them as regular runs, and just to be in a big group?  I can NOT sign up for a race without planning, training and TRYING to be faster than a “training” run.  I just don’t see the point.  Just us competitive people?  Why I ask?  I’ve signed up for a half-marathon and wonder what I can do.  I’ll need to get back into training and do some longer runs.  Shooting for 1:30-1:45.  Then I’ll look into a marathon.  Gulp, I’ve never done a marathon before…probably for the competitive reason, I don’t want to just go out and run it, which I think I could do on any given day (yes, I’d have to walk/run, like many people do).


What do you think?  Do you enter “races” just to run?  I guess that’s why a lot of races now list a “Fun Run”….whatever……psshhh

Pics of the Bergen Pass...

This is what I saw when we parked. Gulp. What am I getting myself into?

I combined the Garmin images to put together the entire route and the elevation:

From the topographic map, you can see I didn't get the entire run in the watch. I turned off the timer for some walking, then said, "Wow, I'm walking more than expected, I should turn this back on until I'm really ready to run again." Which I did, after a mile or so of walking, with tiny bits of jogging in there.

If you can believe pictures on the internet, then this is proof it was me...

Garmin stats here:
5k Uphill
Resting Walk-Slight Jogs

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