April 21, HRCA Heritage Day 5k
Oh gosh, I stink! Well, I did NOT train for a hill like that. I got 16th overall, 13th male... Hmpf...I got up the climb 5th, but then started getting passed. The hill destroyed my pyche. Ouch. Anyway, after the hills it's a bit rolly and such, and there's one last little climb before heading down. Checking my data you can see I did contiuously speed up down the hill, but never enough. I'm not my normal racing self. Weak mentally. :-(
I guess that's OK, first race in about 5 years, and it's this monster hill. I'll post links to the results and this photography group that was there later.
Before I get too into this, I wanted to make one comment, I wore the heart rate monitor to bed, and while asleep my heart rate dropped down to 49...just lying in bed before sleeping it was in teh 50's. And about the heart rate, I had some Rockstar on the drive to the race, and just drinking that stuff increased my heartrate 10-15 bpm....so I don't think I'm going to drink an energy drink before racing again. I think that could make it beat faster and shallower. And that can't be good.
So, well, I guess I should spill the beans...I finished in 25:22 per my watch...we'll see what the chip says. That's probably the slowest 5k of my life. But after this week of lack of sleep, missing my last intervals and a couple of runs...I guess that's OK. I'm going to try and stay in shape and place/win my age group next year! For my age group 30-39, there were many people to compete against. Seems to be the most popular age for running.
At the end, my right calf was very sore, so I stretched, changed my T-Shirt and went for a mile cool down, just running on the track. So, the final summary? This run won't give me a great wave for the Bolder Boulder, so I'll have to do a treadmill thing, or some other race...flatter...or just live with a crowd and having to pass a bunch of people. I haven't decided that, yet. OK, without further ado, here are my three sets of data, The Race, a lot of walking/jogging to warm up and, finally, the cool down.
All righty...the weather was very aggreeable, mid/high 50's <10 mph winds, into us up that hill, felt very warm turning around and running with the wind. Great day to run! OK, good job, be proud, be happy!
OK, a few more links/pics...this was my first race bib in about 5 years!!

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