Monday, April 16, 2007

Quick 10k Apr 16, 2007

So, here's the run, taken from Steve's watch...

We went out pretty fast, I thought I had a 10k listed for today at a anything under 8 pace...but I was wrong...that was supposed to be yesterday, but I missed that, due to hanging out with the family, and such. Also, I never did get in that set of longer intervals. I'll get in another 3 or 4 sets of intervals before the 10k in 6 weeks.

So, how did today feel? Well, it felt pretty good, actually. Only 4 hours of sleep at night, the last two nights, so I'm a bit drained, but I was able to keep up the 7:30-ish pace the first three miles, then we throttled it back for a mile and took it in pretty nicely. Legs feeling good, had protein and banana shake after dinner, and going to go ice my shins, for protection and get some sleep...I hope. I have set up two chiropratic appts for Tuesday and Thursday....gotta get this kink outta my neck, which should help me feel better for the run this Saturday. Check the link for weather, etc...

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