Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Back in Cali - Back to Running

Well, no watch, since so long I forgot it in my side table. So, here is the run, hand mapped in another service.

Dang, this morning, I feel it. Just a short 2.1 miler, but felt faster than that. Using phone it showed 1:06 to 1:24, so 18 minutes ±2 minutes. Felt closer to 17:30...for about 8min/mi pace. Felt like I was going to slow down, but I got happy and started speeding up and finished pretty strong, even though my legs started hurting/feeling it a bit.

60°F, no wind and sunny. Nice to be here in CA, versus the 30 in Denver. ;-) So, I signed up for a 10k race on Superbowl Sunday, Feb 1st. So, that is my motivation to run. After that, hopefully I'll just want to run to run...and, of course, I'll sign up for some more runs to keep me motivated over time.

Good to be back, sore, but feel good for having run.

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