Monday, February 11, 2008

Feb 11, 2008 - Shorter Havana Run 4.8 mi

Motionbased Data

So, quite a windy day. Can't believe we went so fast. Took it easy the first couple miles, sort of, at least compared to the end.

Really attack the hill for the .6 miles. Need to get this going for the upcoming race.

Feeling sick, though. Jack had a lot of green snot and that was yuck, and I couldn't avoid it. Still going to try and run hard tomorrow or Wednesday, and get some intervals in one day, and run the course Sunday, then take it easy next week to "taper" before the event. We'll see.

Legs and everything are feeling great! So, that's a nice positive. Also, that last mile/plus were at 7:12-ish pace, which is good at the end of a 4.8 miler and attacking that hill so hard!

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