Friday, February 15, 2008

Feb 15, 2008 - Hills on Havana

Motionbased Data

I had such high hopes to do 3 miles of hills. After that first 3/4 I said, I don't know if I can do that again, so I did the 1/2 and then a 1/4. I was wiped! So, I had done only 1.6 (an extra 0.1 on that first 3/4, actually). But running down for my "cool down" I felt I had to do more, so I busted out two more 1/4's, nothing too hilly, in fact first one was somewhat downhill, then up. Did a sweet 5:50 pace 1/4 on that one. Nice.

Legs stil feeling good. A bit cooler, but not bad. No wind to worry about, so it was a good run!

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