Friday, May 29, 2009

LONG Work Run - To the Beach

So much more hilly than I thought it would be. 150 feet, just about, up and down a couple of times. I absolutely DESPISE walking during a run, but I just HAD to. 7:53 pace for the first 5k, and overall that was downhill....yeah, right! Check that elevation profile. Then I walked.

Overall 7.08 miles in an hour - 8:29 pace. If I take out the walking, I performed 6.79 miles in 55:08 - 8:07 pace. I can live with that.

Weather was low-mid 60's, overcast, so nice.

Strain was both legs and breathing. Nice when it's a pretty even hit, so it doesn't feel like one or the the other is holding you back. Last thing I can say is this, "7 miles, plus logo tee = chafing"

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28 - Work Lunch Run

OK, so, I liked this.  Fairly cool.  Sunny, slight, very little, beeze. 

Ran a bit flatter route.  Kept it very consistent.  Ignoring the last half mile, when I started trying to kick it in, especially that last quarter (which I did in 6:28 pace) I had each 1/4 km within 5.3 seconds of each other.  Meaning the pace was always within 34.2 seconds per mile.  That is amazingly good.  I only had 3 "laps" at 8:01.8, 8:00.7 and 8:00.9.  The rest remained below 8min/mi!

Nothing really hurt.  Breathing and legs felt fine.  I'm liking that I've done pilates twice now (including this morning before work) and some push-ups and sit-ups lately.

All of this should help with my weight, energy, physical appearance, (golf game :-D ), sleep, HDL cholesterol levels (Overall my Chol is good, but I should increase my HDLs a bit), life span, etc…..and I'm TRYING to eat more healthily, too.  This is the hard part.

Will get the MB data in here shortly.  Can't do at the office.  They are adding "ANT Wireless" tech to the newer watches, but it'll be even more cool when they add wifi, or some cell network, so it can just upload all on it's own to the internet.  I give it 3 years.

OK, go go go!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Longer Work Run

Around Work: 3.32 mi - 26:29 / 7:57 pace
Fastly Improving
OK, a nice run, sped up the whole time, after starting uphill. Decent weather, and felt so good to get another sub-8 out of myself. And for a bit longer distance. Gonna just keep on keeping it up!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, May 26 Run

Well, another pretty darned good day. Headed out a bit uphill and a bit into the wind. Which means I had a bit downhill and a tailwind on the way back. Just over 5k, (3.33) which is nice to go a bit longer.

Overall pace got better throughout, which is what I always like to see. At least finish with a negative split of some sort. 7:57.8 was final overall pace!

I'll upload the run from MB later.

The sun broke through and it started warming up about 11AM. I ran around noon. I wish I would have gone earlier. I like the cold and dreary, which makes for an easier run.

Just so glad to have run FOUR TIMES in the last 7 days. Only a touch over 10 miles for the week, but that is a great start. Will need to run more at home in the mornings when I can wake up early and get more time for longer distances. I don't want to be away from my desk for 2 hours to change and run and clean up. My goal would be about 30 miles, by running 5 or 6 days a weeks.

We'll see! As my Rose-Hulman coach always said, "GO, GO, GO!"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Home Run

Ran pretty fast.

Did some pilates (Just the 20 min DVD). Then took off. I told myself, oh, it'll be uphill on the way back. Then said, "Shut up and be positive. Just keep going smoothly." Near the end I totally felt it. I was able to keep it up, and actually sped up the whole time, ro finish at about 7:21 pace! Super cool! Especially for doing it after another work out.

Hot and slight breeze. Finished uphill and into the wind, which made it even more impressive that I finished so strong!

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22

Yay, 2 runs in one week!!!!

Much better pace. Started out up the hill on Manhattan Beach Blvd…so slow the first half. I had the watch on the wrong sport (the last two runs), so I don't have the normal lap info. This time I noticed after 1.42 miles and started using the lap button. So, they were:

Mi time pace
1.42 11:36 8:10
521(ft) 41.05(s) 6:56 (Down a hill obviously)
.17 1:12 7:05
.35 2:45 7:49
.3 2:07 7:09
2.34 18:21 7:51 Total

Not bad. The legs started out a bit sore, but loosened up pretty quick. Breathing and legs both were the drivers going out/up the hill. Going flat and down, just general being out of shape was the driver. Breathing actually wasn't too bad, it was more legs from going more quickly.

Sunny, warm and generally a nice day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19

Only 2.17 miles, and only at an 8:11 pace, but not bas considering just getting into it, AGAIN. I just need to STAY WITH IT!!!

At least was better than the 8:27 on the treadmill for 2 miles.

Felt pretty tough, warmish sunny day. Will try and post the motionbased maps, etc soon. Legs hurt a bit Wednesday and more Thursday. Mostly the quads. Let's see…what was the most impacting…I think the breathing. Legs didn't help, but the breathing holds me back more.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Another Run

Well, well not much to say. Just ran two miles on the treadmill. Took 16:55. Pretty pathetic, but just wanted to take it easy since it'd been so long. I started slower and just kept picking up the pace. Fastest I did was 0.1mi at 9mph. Nothing spectacular, but as I said, as least I got "out" there. Going to run again, but hopefully outside with the watch.

Didn't feel great after. To be expected, but I'm still a bit surprised. We'll see how my legs feel tomorrow.

Jess helped motivate me, she's worked out twice now! Good job, honey!