Monday, July 27, 2009

Run 07/27

Weather, nice and normal. Warm and sunny. Little wind, nothing to
speak of.

Right hamstring. OUCH! Before the run. A bit better after. Sitting
in a chair seems to really be the problem. And then I think that
reflects in the pain in my lower right back. Went to Doc Kilroy for an
adjustment. He rocks, but when I keep sitting improperly, it's a lost
cause. I need to stretch more, exercise more, and get a few more
adjustments.....AND SIT PROPERLY! This will not do!

OK, I set two goals on connect for the next 30 days. I did nothing
yesterday, so, effectivly, gave myself only 29 days. ;-D 15 days of
running and 60 miles. Without any major things coming up, like my
shin-splints, being kicked by the kids, etc, I feel it should be a
pretty achievable goal. Especially with today's 4 mile run. Which
covers the 1 run in two days and the 2 miles per day. :-D

Nice negative split. Always helps that I'm starting out uphill. :-)
Averaged 7:30 overall, which is a good pace, for 4 miles.

Overall, after getting going and stretching it out, it felt pretty good.
Almost always does. I love running!

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