Friday, October 09, 2009


So, short day, too busy to do much else, so tried to pick up the pace at the end.  Easy to do a negative split when it’s like that.  Sunny, about 67°.  Only got in 2.25 miles.


Felt super and fine, no problems.  Just still do not like running on sidewalks and cross streets with lights…sigh.


Blah blah blah….and GO GO GO!!!!

Thursday, October 08, 2009

38, In More Ways Than 1

My 38th Birthday RunNice little 5 miler, that I happened to pull off in 38, ahem, minutes. 52°F, started in the dusk and sunny by the time I was done. Good negative split. Felt really nice. I have to wake up early to run more often.

Woke up to Jackson wet. Just after Jess said how he hasn't had a mistake in so long, and was done so much earlier than Summer. My fault, though. I forgot to have him do a bath-time or bed-time potty. Oops. And he was very tired and fell asleep pretty quick, so his body wasn't able to wake him up. The poor guy. But, he did get me out of bed for my run!!! For that, I thank him greatly! :-D

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Running Around and Races

OK, so, it’s been a while since I’ve written.  I’ve only run a measly 4 days since Sept 16th.  Once every 5 days.  Pains seem mostly gone in back and such, so that’s an awesome result.  But my running is slower now.  The only really interesting run was on Sept 27th.  I was in Colorado and ran up Bergen PassPic here (Not mine, and no it wasn’t snowy then).  Very slow average pace, but hey, it was about a 1500’ or so incline, and even the downhill was a pretty technical trail where I had to run slowly and safely.  The map I linked to is super rough, it was actually a bit under 9 mile loop, of which I ran 7.25 miles.  Yowsers!


Today was just an easy 4.5 miler on a nice cool day, low to mid 60s, street running during lunch at work.


A question.  I wonder how many people sign up for “races” but just use them as regular runs, and just to be in a big group?  I can NOT sign up for a race without planning, training and TRYING to be faster than a “training” run.  I just don’t see the point.  Just us competitive people?  Why I ask?  I’ve signed up for a half-marathon and wonder what I can do.  I’ll need to get back into training and do some longer runs.  Shooting for 1:30-1:45.  Then I’ll look into a marathon.  Gulp, I’ve never done a marathon before…probably for the competitive reason, I don’t want to just go out and run it, which I think I could do on any given day (yes, I’d have to walk/run, like many people do).


What do you think?  Do you enter “races” just to run?  I guess that’s why a lot of races now list a “Fun Run”….whatever……psshhh

Pics of the Bergen Pass...

This is what I saw when we parked. Gulp. What am I getting myself into?

I combined the Garmin images to put together the entire route and the elevation:

From the topographic map, you can see I didn't get the entire run in the watch. I turned off the timer for some walking, then said, "Wow, I'm walking more than expected, I should turn this back on until I'm really ready to run again." Which I did, after a mile or so of walking, with tiny bits of jogging in there.

If you can believe pictures on the internet, then this is proof it was me...

Garmin stats here:
5k Uphill
Resting Walk-Slight Jogs

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AM Run

63°F and no wind this morning at 6:05AM.  That’s the conditions I ran my quick little 2-miler.  I couldn’t sleep near the end of it…I went to bed saying to myself, “If you wake yourself up, go for a run.”  Well, I kept waking up and finally got out of bed to check the clock at 6.  I should have gotten up at 5:30-ish, when I first woke up, but boy, did it look dark behind the curtains.  When I left at 6:05 it was still dark, but that’s why the watch has a light on it.  ;-D


Anyway, about 7:06 pace, or something like that.  First run after the race.  Felt great, no pressure.  Figures, though, that I pulled a muscle in the center of the right side of my back.  I felt tight, so I twirled my arms to loosen up, but I was still too cold and it spasmed.  Oh well.  A little ice, some icy/hot cream and some more stretching and I’ll be fine.  Don’t feel too bad now even.  Have a chiro appt for tomorrow, as the last of it from last week anyway, so that’ll help.  AND Jess got us some massages set up for tomorrow night, too.  So, I should be feeling good!  Which is nice, since we’re heading out on our little trip Friday morning.


Go go go

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kickin Cancer 5k

Gosh, what to say?

First, can just check it out here. And here's a pic of the pace, in general.

The last two weeks, I wanted to taper. A short sprint workout day. A longer run nice and slow, a few medium paced runs at race distance, etc...well. I had done too many 4 milers just before then and got bored. Also, busy at work is always a good excuse. But, anyway. I did all right. If I had kept running and tapered well, I likely could have done better.

But going into it, even a week or so ago, I was thinking of just being below 7 min/mi. Well, I did the pace I wanted to start, started slowing as expected, then, I just felt OK, so I kept it below 7 min/mi pretty much the whole time. I went up/down just like the hills, and I didn't push it the last mile. I kind of saved it. I was really feeling it in my legs, so I figured just to push that last bit. I saw the clock ticking up, and realized I was doing great for getting in under 21 minutes, which I wasn't sure I just kept my feet moving and kicked it in for a nice 20:55. Felt great!

Especially after...Friday's run. It felt awesome. After sitting at my desk for 45 minutes it felt like my lower back broke out of NOWHERE. Well, luckily I had already made an appt for my chiro. HE IS A MIRACLE worker. He cracked everything every which way, and lo' and you read worked. Now, I need to keep stretching and get well again. I have two more appts already scheduled. Tomorrow and Thursday.

OK, that's it. I'm pretty proud of the run, I didn't go out way too fast and crazy, so...yippee!

Go go go!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Running From the Old Office

<<SScreen_090109-001.jpg>> I had a meeting over there, so I ran from there, so I could get a turkey burger from the roach-coach.  Pretty easy, but did hit a lot of hills.  Around 1 mile I did a lap around a baseball field, which ended up being a ¼ at 6:51 pace.  I then slowed as I went across the other park and up that pretty big hill.  You can easily see where/when I went up and down hills, with the pace jumping around so much.  I did push it in a little near the end.  Always like doing that.

Right hamstring is a bit tight.  Need to stretch that more.  Neck still funky.  Will try sits/pushes tomorrow morning.

Weather was smokey/ashey (sort of), from all the local fires.  Temp was around 80°.  A bit muggy, overcast and just plain miserable to run in. 

I have no idea how Im keeping motivated.  Im starting to get bored again.  I need to drive somewhere to run in an interesting place.  I am looking forward to the race, and going to CO for the golf tourney and a run in the canyons with Steve T.  After that.who knows.  I think I may need to join a group.

Go go go

Monday, August 31, 2009

From the New Office

Well, I moved everything Friday.  Unpacked and cleaned up this morning.  Then checking emails and doing a few things, I headed out for my first run from the new bldg.  Just taking it easy, after 3 days off.  Felt pretty rough at first, like I didnt want to be out there.  Check the chart.  Funky 1st 1.5 miles, but after that I slowly picked it up, continuously (well, just about every quarter).

I was thinking about the upcoming race a little, and thinking about how I want to go out and pace the race.  This profile looks about right from .75 miles on.  I want to start fast (I wont be able to help myself too much.  Then Ill try and slow down nad be fairly even for the .75 or 1.0 miles until 1.75 or 2.0.  Then start picking it up every quarter after that.  Last ½ mile really be moving and do a kick in sprint as best I can for that last 0.107 miles (what, about 188 yards).

Oh, and, by the by, from the office here, it is 1.20 miles to the mulch path.  So, it takes off 0.80 miles compared to running from my old bldg.  In a way thats a good thing.  I can head to the path and run on something softer and less heat reflecting.  I just dont want to get bored.  But, I should be able to get to the beach and really hit those hills for training!  Next time Ill head out to the neighborhood, though, and see what that is like coming from the other side.

Time to start figuring out a taper program for the race.

Go go go

Push-Up Pain

On Sunday I tried doing my exercises.  Well, at least, I did the sit-ups Week 6, Day 1.  I think Ill be able to complete these and do the 200 fairly easily.  My gluteus maximus is hurting today, which is a good sign.  No running for three days, though.  Jess had her friend Lana, from CO, visiting this weekend, so I had some time with the kids.  Very fun.

Oh, and onto the push-up PAIN.  I did (tried) week 4, Day 3.  Well, Im going to be stuck on week 4 for quite a while.  Especially if I get hurt like I have been.  I did the 29, then did all of the sit-ups since it hurt so bad.  But then I went ahead and did the 33 and 29, in nearly sheer agony.  Immediately put on ice, took some Advil and suffered through pain the rest of the day.

Im going to get out to run (hopefully) today, from my new office!  All cleaned up and ready to get my butt to work.  I have my iPod playing music in the background.  That is kind of nice, since Im not bugging anyone. 

OK, gonna get to it!

Go go go!

Friday, August 28, 2009


Ouch...OK, I don't know how long this is going to take. I just know these pushups are deadly. I put too much strain on my neck struggling and now it hurts. And of course I kept going and completed all the sets for week 4, day 2. The third set of 25 was actually 15 and 10 quickly after. Then I did half of the sets for the sit-ups, week 5, day 3. Then I did the last set of 25 pushups. Then the rest of the sit-ups, ending with 100 for the last set. Then back to the supposed 36 minimum push-ups. I did 29.5, sat up for 15 seconds, did 10, then sat up again for about 10 seconds and then did 6, collapsing on my face. So, I did 25, 29, 25, 25, 29, 10, 6 = 149 spread out. That isn't so bad. But I just never feel OK with moving on if I cheat. Well, I'm going to move on a day, and see. And if I have to, I'll start the week over, again, or just go back a day or two. (Oh, and about the sit-ups, total of (30, 30, 36, 36, 30, 30, 40, 100) 332.

I decided that I do want to do squats, but I'm going to wait until after my race on the 13th. I don't want to introduce a new exercise right now. I'll keep going with this stuff, though.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Relaxing Run

So, this was just a chillin day.  Check out that paceAverage of 8:15.7.  Temp high 60s.  Funny to say High, since its such a cool/decent temp to do a run like this. 

Legs still feeling a bit sore, so took it easy.  I cant believe I was able to do this.  Just relax and have a recovery type run.  Not just a day or two off as the recovery.  An actual slow/easy day. 

ve not put this up on the blog before, but Ive been tracking the trend of speed, per mile run.  The green line is a linear estimate of the pace, based on the miles run.  Its kind of scattered, but there is a bit of a trend.  One trend that is very apparent is that most of my runs are between 2-4.5 miles.

Ive always like shorter distances, so they tend to stand out.  Im surprised to see the longer runs also under the curve.  This is just data from May 26th until today.  Id be interested in doing this for the last couple of years.but that would be a pain, and not sure what it would show.  Ill just keep updating this for the year, and start a new one next year.  If I can stay consistent in running, itll be interesting to see how the chart develops.  A similar slope, but just shifted down?  Steeper?  flatter?  Will be neat to see the race outliers, which Ill have to put in a different color.  But, Im just babbling now.  Time to just be happy and run.

Go go go.

Back to "Work"

OK, this morning I finally got back to the push-ups and sit-ups.  Seems like this will take me closer to 3 months than 4 weeks.  But still, that is OK.  As long as it happens.

Also, Im not impressed by the sit-ups one.  I think Im going to try to do the full 200 next time.  And if it works, Im going to change it up to full leg lifts, as Jess has suggested.  Those seem a lot more difficult.  Probably just works a different muscle groupwhich is weaker for me.

Go go go!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello Monday

Was just thinking of 4 miles.  Then thought I should run on the mulch/bark, and figured that was nearly two miles to get there (it was exactly two miles actually), so I would go down the path until I saw the ocean, or until I hit 3.
2 miles out whichever came second.  Well, seeing the ocean came second.  Ended up doing .75 miles on the track when I got back, which I did to get a full 7 miles and to get my overall pace down under 8min/mi.  Well, it took me 7.25 miles to get it below 8min/mi, but I did do it.

I took off SLOW.  As I wanted to.  Legs/shins/body just overall sore.  Needed something smooth.  Figured Id work on just speeding up the entire time, slowly.  Which seeing the graph above, I did superbly.

Temp was much more reasonable.  A little breeze, and, at least, while on the mulch I was able to have some trees overhead. 

The run out is mostly downhill on that path, so it was an uphill run for the return, so increasing speed while also going up hill was a good thing.  And going at such a fast clip on the track was a nice way to pretend I was kicking it in for a race.  Although I hope I go a bit faster in a race and have a bit less energy to kick it in for such a long time!  ;-)

Go go go

Saturday's HOT HOT 10k

<<SScreen_082409-004.jpg>> <<Snap_034.jpg>>

OK, Im a thermally challenged wimp.  82°F, barely any wispy clouds, no wind, hardly any trees to duck under for shadeand stupidly I started off WAY too fast for this type of day.  What does that mean?  It means I had to walk.  Twice.  :-(  No negative split, but hey, I got out there and moved those feet!

At least it wasnt too painful physically.  Just took some Advil and everything felt fine.

Garmin has a few more discussion points, but not much else for me to say now.

Go go go!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chillin' 4-Miler

Legs still sore from the intervals on Tuesday. I'm glad I did them, because the pain feels so good! :-D

Today I started out warming up with a nice 9 holes at Harbor Golf course. Played decent, 4 pars, 4 bogies, 1 blow up hole. Just need to work on my consistency. Kind of like my running. I need to keep it more consistent, and keep building up the mileage. Have a race coming up in 4 weeks and then a couple more before the "BIG ONE" in DC next spring.

Golf had bright sunny skies, but when I ran it got more overcast. Not too warm when I ran. Felt great. So good to be out. Gotta stretch and get to sleep now!

And, no, I haven't done my sits/pushes lately. Going to be an early morning thing. I think my body has recovered from some of the pains pre/post intervals.

Go go go!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


OK, nice day out.  Overcast, cool and I did intervals on the track!  Started with slow jog there, and then some criss-cross and high-knee jogs across the short side of the track. Then it was down to business.  800, 400, 400, 800, 100, 100, 400, 100, 100.  So, 2 miles of speed work.  Fastest of 3:53 pace for LAST of the 100 yard sprints, meaning sub 15 seconds (Hey, I'm no Usain Bolt (9.58 seconds, REALLY, that man is insanely fast).

Slowest was of course the 800s 2:53 and WAY SLOW 3:16.  Hey, I was tired already (and therefore wimped out, I was trying to pace for a 1200).

I definitely need more speed work!

Then just a quarter-ish for a cool-down jog back to my office.

It's nice being so close to the track.

Go go go!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Almost 8 Miler

map my run info

Pretty smooth run. Kids misplaced my watch. I gotta find it.

Felt kind of easy. Right shin a bit sore. Going to ice it, and drink my protein shake.

Did my sit-ups and push-ups this morning before the run. Week 4, day 1. As always...OUCH.

Weather was nice. Mid 60's and cloudy.

Nike+ Was closer this time. 7.66, versus 7.8. But, the pace ends up being wrong. But that's OK. I was able to check the time per location and figure that out for myself. Which is basically this 7:51 per mile pace overall. The time/miles are approximate, so I can't say for sure, but overall, like I said it was pretty good.

Later in the day my legs were KILLING me. Taking some Advil before heading to the grocery store really helped.

Go go go!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pace Work

So, I used my watch for one of its more intended purposes.  I set up a quick workout (their term).  I set up a 7:50 pace 4 miler.  Then I turned the watches screen to virtual partner, which shows the distance ahead/behind the pace.  I watched the distance more than I thought I would, but that is OK.  It helped me feel what a 7:50 pace would be like.  I finished at 7:46 pace, only 16 seconds ahead of schedule.  Not too shabby.  I went a bit too fast on one quarter (7:27 a bit downhill and I didnt rein myself in).  Was nice overall.

THEN, I walked a bit to the track and did ANOTHER workout.  This one was set to 6:55 for a mile.  I finished at 6:48, so that was pretty good, too.

So, today was a recovery daysort of.  That mile started pushing me at the half, but not too bad.  Felt good.  Recovered right away.  That 4 miler felt really easy.  So, sub-8 with no strainthats awesome!

Weather: typical 68° and sunny.  Minor wind.

I have to really start thinking about some goals and plan in some races.  I have 8 months til my 10 miler.  Right now Im thinking 7min/mi is my min goal.  6:30 would be nice, and a stretch goal is 6:00.  It would be so cool to go sub 60 minutes!

Anyway, I have a lot of work to do to get there.  I hope I can get more miles in and enjoy the ride.

Go go go!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Workout 8/12

OK, did the pushes and sits this morning.  Can't swallow, still feeling yuck, and ran pretty hard other words, today was tough!  I basically alternate pushes, then sits, then pushes again, etc.  I had trouble with one set of pushes.  Form wasn't perfect, but I got through all sets.  Also did some pilates things.  Kids love watching me do these things and try to crawl on me, or do some themselves.  Too cute.
When will I feel better?
Go go go!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

5k at Some Pace

Sheesh, I warmed up running to the track, and then picked up the pace.  As you can see in the graph, I was able to speed up continually for the first 1.25 miles.  Then I throttled back a bit.  Not bad though.  Overall I did end up with a negative split.   :-) Gotta love that!

Ran on track due to running too much on the streets lately.  I was a little faster when I ran 1 mile back on 6/25.  But when I ran ONLY 2 miles on 6/15, I was able to do that in 7:04 pace.  Well, for an entire 5k at 7:04.1 pace, with a nice .25 miles at 8:00 pace, and running right into the 5k with no break.thats pretty darned good.  I think I could push it to sub-7.  I would need to start the watch from scratch, though, so I can kind of watch it.  The watch was saying the average pace was closer to 7:10, due to that 1st quarter.

4 Times around May of 08 I did a sub-7 5k around SEAKR, best of which was 6:49 on May 14th, 2008.  So, that was around Racine, with hills.  So, I still have some work to do.  But I can get there in a month, I bet.  Id love to do that 5k run next time I visit Denver, see if I can pull it off.

Anyway, weather, about 63°, slight wind, slightly cloudy.  Nice day to run!  Everything felt good.  There were some people from a running group there doing 3/4 mile and other distance reps.  1 dude always passed me, and a few others did a  bit later.  It obviously depended on when they started compared to when I passed them.  4 people passed me once, when they took off right after I went by their starting line.  That kind of pulled me along at the start, but wasnt much help later.  Started breathing a little rough, started feeling it in my legs, but I could have pushed it harder.  If in a race I could definitely beat 6:49/mi.  Still pushing for that 10 miler in April.  I need to get some longer runs in, though. 

Go go go!

Sunday, August 09, 2009


OK, I did sit-ups and push-ups just now. I did go ahead and went back to week 3, ady 2.

For the push-ups I did these all pretty slow and full. Kept a reasonable stance the whole time. Last set I did 25, without any stopping or falling, etc. Then after a little bit, I went for a FAST set and popped out 27 before I totally collapsed. :-D Fun fun!

For sit-ups, same thing. I went slower and tried to get a good crunch in at the end. I did 40 for the last set.

Then I did some pilates stuff. Roll-ups, leg lifts, bicycle kicks, seal-rolls (or whatever you want to call them), etc. Stomach is feeling it.

Feel like I did a good job. Now, tomorrow, I need to run! I'm behind a few days. I gotta get in some mileage!

Friday, August 07, 2009

Hundreds of Things

Well today was week 3, day 3. I got through the whole workout for both the sit-ups and push-ups. Finished with 30 pushes and 60-ish sits. The sits I say "ish" because I did legs pumps and twists and crunches for a bit. For the push-ups I kept getting my arms in a further stance and I don't think I was doing the FULL extensions. Deciding if I should redo this week, just to get it more solid. It wouldn't hurt. I'd like to do both of the exercises properly, slowly, smoothly and full range...

I think I'll go back one day, and do week 3, day 2 next time. Then go from there and see how it works out.

But, dang, it feels good doing these things! Body feels sore, but strong. I like that!

Thursday, August 06, 2009

5K Thursday

Now that was cool. Attaching the image as a jpg made it pop in the post instead of having to put it in later. Not that I'd always add that pace chart. Fun fun.

Anyway, that title almost makes it sound like a do a 5k every Thursday. Haha...well, by golly, maybe I should!  Doubt it. Anyway. Low-mid 70's. Very light wind. Sunny. Nice & boring, but nice.

Legs feeling the "burn" of running on the roads all the time. I need trails/grass/track. I hate to say it, but I think I need to run on the track the next few times. It's not the shoes.  They still feel good and don't have nearly enough miles on them to be a worry. I just need a softer running surface.

I'm proud of myself.  I did another negative split.  Also, I really pushed to have a consistent pace, all quarters under 8min/mi and finish strong, yet smooth.  Well, I only "messed-up" that last part.  I would have liked to maintain control and kept the pace slower.  WHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????? Slower?  Yes, just for the consistency of it. Before that last quarter at 6:51 pace, the fastest/slowest was 7:11/7:45 per quarter. That is good.  Especially considering that 7:45 was on the biggest/steepest hill of the run.  Another long one was right at 2 miles, but it wasn't as steep, so I pushed to maintain and I actually hit that one at 7:34.

My pace is still getting faster for each distance…I need to have an easy day.

Maybe I'll get out for a "slow" 10k on Sunday. :-D

Tuesday, August 04, 2009


OK, so I started that 100 Pushups plan.  Did the first day on Saturday.  I also did a "test" for the 200 sit-up program.  Oddly enough I did 200 sit-ups for the test.  Definitely not the "good-form" ones they want.  I'll start about week-three like on the push-up program.

Anyway, back to the push-ups.  Holy OUCH!  I've done 100 in a day…..but that's over three or 4 times during the day.  This was 5 sets, and that last set was to be max 20 or more…..I did 13 and FELL ON MY FACE!!!!!!  Struggled to do 7 more, as quickly as I could.  Then about half an hour later I did 30.  Best form, no, but good.  I need to do another day today.  I took two days rest, since I was/am SUPER sore.  I ended up doing the 80 in a little over 5 minutes.  Then with that last group I did 110 for the day.  I am feeling better today, so hopefully I can do it.  I'll try my best.  I may have to redo this week already, though.  I'm going to stick with it, though, and I WILL do 100 in one set as soon as I can!!!!!

Tuesday 8/4

A simple run.  Kept a pretty good pace.  3.75 miles.  7:17.9 pace.  Negative split.  About 72°F.  Little/no wind.  Mostly Sunny.  Felt pretty warm.  Started smooth easy and picked up the pace most of the way.  On average slowed the last mile, but still kept the overall pace dropping. 

Kind of wimped out.  I wanted to jump on the track to do a final quick quarter, but I just ran to the gym area, stopped, and stretched out a little.

That's about it.  Easy Peezy….go go go!

Monday, August 03, 2009

Treadmill Sat 8/1

Garmin Stuff.

OK, before heading out for the night, I put in a quick 1 miler.  Just wanted to shake off the cobwebs.  Jumped on the treadmill and started at 6mph for about .05, then 8mph, then kept going to 8.1, 8.2, etc…until at 9…then the last 160yds (0.1mi), I bumped it to 11mph.  So, with all of that I hit a time of 6:55.  This was done with the incline set to 2.0.  You have to have a slight incline on the treadmill to somewhat simulate getting outside, instead of having the tread help push you along.

Felt pretty good, for being on a TM.  Good times.  Go go go!

Friday, July 31, 2009

End of July 10k

OK, did a long run today.  Not as many hours needed for work.  Ran out and onto the Redondo Beach pier.  Yep, I ran OVER the ocean.  In CO, I would run "close" to the reservoir, and kind of could see it, if I looked hard.  Some reason today it really hit me when I turned around the "pavillion" and looked back towards shore, seeing all of the surfers and such.

Anyway, the run.  Warm, but not overly so.  Decent pace, 6.24 miles at 7:48.9min/mi.  Nice negative split.  Meaning I was smart and kept a pretty even pace overall.  Big slowdown for a bit coming from the pier and up those first hills inland.  Besides the very first quarter, shaking things out and getting into/across Aviation Blvd, the big hill, and the last 0.15 (faster) all laps were between 7:22 and 8:10.  Not bad keeping them within a min/mi of each other.

Pain, none to speak of.  Hamstring was fine.  A little sore sitting down right now, but hardly anything.   Heart rate was about 170 immediately following the run, but dropped to 120 pretty fast.  Did 45 pushups (25 and 20) and about 60 sit-ups.  Gotta keep pushing it!  Go go go!!!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Run 07/27

Weather, nice and normal. Warm and sunny. Little wind, nothing to
speak of.

Right hamstring. OUCH! Before the run. A bit better after. Sitting
in a chair seems to really be the problem. And then I think that
reflects in the pain in my lower right back. Went to Doc Kilroy for an
adjustment. He rocks, but when I keep sitting improperly, it's a lost
cause. I need to stretch more, exercise more, and get a few more
adjustments.....AND SIT PROPERLY! This will not do!

OK, I set two goals on connect for the next 30 days. I did nothing
yesterday, so, effectivly, gave myself only 29 days. ;-D 15 days of
running and 60 miles. Without any major things coming up, like my
shin-splints, being kicked by the kids, etc, I feel it should be a
pretty achievable goal. Especially with today's 4 mile run. Which
covers the 1 run in two days and the 2 miles per day. :-D

Nice negative split. Always helps that I'm starting out uphill. :-)
Averaged 7:30 overall, which is a good pace, for 4 miles.

Overall, after getting going and stretching it out, it felt pretty good.
Almost always does. I love running!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wow - Behind on Updates









We'll see how I can do getting in the data this weekend.  I've lost the feeling for the runs for sure.  Except the last two.

Tues 7/21 - 5k, tried to make it a good pace.  Felt nice.  Up/down hills out around Polliwog park.  Finished with a 7:14 pace.  Have to like that.  Kind of warm, but not bad.  Negative split, pace within 1 min/mi for each lap.  Right hamstring a little slow before the run.  That darn thing keeps coming back.  Argh.  Felt better after.

Today 7/23 - 2 miler.  Kept hemming and hawing over what I wanted to do.  Finally decided on a FAST 2 miler.  My legs were tired.  Right ham, and left quad were feeling it.  My idea was to not have to cross the street near the end so I could keep up a pace.  I went out, and I had to cross Aviation, but I kept a good pace.  I slowed a bit going up/down/up the hill.    Right at 1 mile I turned into a big climb for .07 miles, and I tried pushing myself.  Did a 7:04 pace.  Flattening out and turning right and heading back down hill I sped right back up, and kept speeding up for half a mile.  I then "relaxed" at 6:30 pace for the 1.75 quarter and kicked it in a touch that last quarter at 6:15.  So, pace delta was a bit larger, since I chilled after that first quarter, but picked it right back up and had a good run.  Weather was great.  Again, sunny and a bit warm, but nothing too crazy.  After, I walked a bit, then jogged back to the office 0.39 miles.  When back I stretched, did sit-ups and push-ups. 

The 14th and 16th. I don't honestly remember a heck of a lot about it, but I do remember some quick runs. Garmin doesn't have much more written there. Just good to know I ran and I ran pretty well!

I HAVE to get back into the pilates and more sit/push-ups.  It feels good when I do all of this, but it's tough to really get started.  I'm going to try and do the One Hundred Push-upsand the Two Hundred Sit-ups and lastly, MAYBE, the Two Hundred SquatsSomething to strengthen and tone and get in shape! Oh, and I need to cut out this junk food and ice-cream…but it TASTES SO GOOD!!!!!  ;-)

OK, I'll try to at least post the maps and links for these two and also the 14th and 16th.

Later, gator

Thursday, July 09, 2009

UTAH - Around the Capitol

So, this was a fun one. Been a while since I ran...and 4262 feet of elevation. Was there for work, and decided to go for a run around the Capitol building. Only 8:12 pace, but for that it was quite good. Didn't push it, but I felt it. And I still felt it on Friday.

Click picture for more deets.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Work - Avi-Art-Ing-MBB

Garmin Connect Data So, 4.25 miles, every mile faster than the last.  Less hilly, but started uphill into the wind, which I pushed the first half mile at 7:07 pace.  Then had a way slow quarter, then fell into a rhythm.  Great negative split.  Everything hurt.  Running 3 days in a row on asphalt/sidewalks hurt my shins, and all the hill have made my calves very tight.  I'm still trying to catch my Buddy John W.  I'll have to check in with him and see how he's doing.  But, that last mile being sub-7, a bit downhill, but into the wind…that's just sick!  I felt like I was going to fall over and DIE when I finished.

Weather: I already mentioned breezy.  Today I believe that it was 12 mph.  Sunny, about 65.  So, that felt pretty good. 

Gosh, I'm totally taking tomorrow off.  These have been 3 hard days…for someone so "out of shape" as I am.  But, still, everything is feeling good!  Stretching, working out, running!!! 


Sunday, June 28, 2009

2 Mornings in a row! (4.4mi)

Good run this morning. Started out pretty darned slow. I still wasn't truly awake. Nice and cool, with no breeze as I watched the sun rise up over the hills.

It's so odd in this neighborhood, and maybe that is a good thing, but I never have a good idea which way I'm running. The streets keep starting and stopping (meaning the names...they twist and turn and don't make sense (to me)). But, there are some nice places to go. Running through the hills of Cheviot Hills is nice. There is little traffic.

Don't know about my feet. Arch, a bit sore from the inserts, blistery type thing. Shins aren't too bad, but, overall, I think it's just because I ran two days in a row.

Feels great, though. Glad I'm doing it!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

10k Morning Loop - Home

A Nice Hilly 10kSomething to be proud of today. Woke up happy and pretty well rested! Then got out right away and ran 10k. I had to walk 0.21 miles due to the hills. Wow, there are a lot of hills around here. I mean, seriously about 175 feet elevation change! That's insane. Makes me think I should go to Will Rogers Park and do the switch-backs for some REAL HILLS and training.

Overall it was a good run though. It says 8:20, but I think the running time was actually about 8:03. Sure, I'd love to be under 8, but I'm still getting back into it.

Shoes = Great. Shins still recovering, but I can tell these are going to do the trick. Brooks Beast, 10.5.

Weather was a little warm at a SUNNY 65-ish. Such a great great day! I'm happy!

However, after today, I'm going back to the every 1sec recording because looking at the map, it is not following the road, so I'm concerned about the accuracy. Sigh.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Shoes, Fast Run

OK, so I got new shoes today, Brooks Beast, size 10.5D.  The 11s were too big, while the 11s of the other Brooks shoes I tried were perfect.  Always weird when even a single shoe manufacturer has differing shoe sizes just due to the style of shoe.

Anyway, I tried on those and a pair of Asics.  They all felt pretty good, with the lighter Asics being best…but just standing still I could feel and it was easy to see they weren't supporting my crazy over pronating feet (left foot in particular - DANG! I should have gotten surgery on both feet!).

So, trying on the shoes, and running around the parking lot about 8 or 9 times, put on about 1.3-1.5 miles.  I know because I tracked it with my watch for two laps.  I don't recall how many laps exactly, think Beast 1x, Ascension? 1x, one on each foot 2x, Asics 2x, Beasts again 2x…so, yeah, that should be 4x0.34 = 1.32.  Anyway, I checked the speed and it was just over 7min/mi running around those last 2 laps, and I was running about that fast for all of them. 

After paying for the shoes, I came back to work and planned on doing about 1.5 miles on the track, to get about 3 miles in…

Well, I started out pretty fast.  Felt a touch faster than the laps in the parking lot.  After a 1/4 I looked down and the watch said 6:02 pace.  Well, that made me go, uh-oh, that's too fast.  2nd 1/4 look down, average pace said 6:04.  Kept going, pushing myself.  3rd quarter, average pace was under 6.  Last lap, I pushed, but did slow down (by like 2 seconds)…ended up with a 5:56…supposedly.

Problem is that the watch was saying 1/4 mile, just short of an actual lap on the track.  I tried pressing the button when I got back to my starting point, but I mis-hit it, so after resting a little I looked down and the watch was still running.  Dang it.  So, the watch was on smart mode and in that case may have taken some of the distance off.  However, that should make the lap look shorter….darn it.  Anyway…it said 5:56 a bit earlier, and it was maybe 5 seconds or less to complete the lap.  I'll hopefully be able to see by looking at the data when I download it…but still…..if I had been really pushing it (heck I could still stand up when I was done) I could have been under 6 for sure.  That's pretty darn good.  I won't really consider that I did it, but it's close enough for government work. 

That kind of stuff always makes me question the accuracy of this thing, especially with smart recording turned on…and on a tight circle like that, on a cloudy day….sigh.  Will try that again next week….see if I can break 6, using the track as the measuring tool.

About how it felt.  Prety darn good.  Better than while running around the parking lot, and better than my old shoes for sure.  Temp was about 64, slight-medium breeze ( data says 16mph, gusting to 21…it felt like that earlier, but not so much when I was on the track.  Maybe 5-10?  I don't know how to gage that).  Cloudy, too.  So, cool and nice/good running weather.

That's about it.  As always, will try to get the data in here later.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23

Another run at work.  Finally.  It's been nearly a week.  I wasn't much slower.  At least I exercised by walking the golf course Sunday.  :-D

Today still on old shoes.  Could tell.  Even feel the shins a little sitting here in my chair.  But not as bad as it was.  I'm leaving the office soon to go to the running shoe store and replace the ones I bought.

Hopefully the kids will be mellow.

Today's run was 4 miles, at about a 7:38 pace.  Nice negative split.  Lots of hills.  And running diagonally across these busy streets is nerve wrecking.  I need a park!  Nothing else physcially hurt.  Breathing was a little labored at the beginning going up all those hills, but that's a good feeling!  You know you're working out.

The weather was good, chilly and very slight breeze.  Sunny! 
And lastly, I did some pilates this morning.  Not the actual dvd since Jack woke upat 5:40 and Bogarted the tv…but I did as much as I could remember from memory.  Also doing sit-ups and pushups!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Monday June 15

OK, so I ran with the new shoes once, back on the 11th.  I hadn't said anything about that, since I hadn't downloaded the data, yet.  But, it was rough.  The new shoes I bought just didn't fit.  So, what about today?  I wore my old ones and decided to just run on the track.  Jogged over, then picked up the pace until I felt I had 13 (0.25k or 0.155mi) laps, which is 2.019 miles…  :-D        Will upload later, I'm sure!

Anyway, I needed to kick it in just a bit more.  I kept wanting to speed up a bit, but not push it, just to see.  Well, next time I wanna go a little faster I will reset the watch to go off at .25 mile laps, so I can watch it better and set it to the track.  I started out at about 7:30-ish pace, then picked it up and hung around 7-ish, then after a mile I got into the sub 7's the rest of the way.  Last mile was about 6:54, if I use some averaging/estimating of the times, since they aren't set to fit on the miles exactly.

That's pretty good. 

Taking the 2.019 mile totals (13 laps) and dividing them and getting a per mile average, I did 6:57.4 per mile for those two miles…and that is with starting with the first 0.155 miles at 7:28 pace.  I think I'll go out with the goal of doing 2 miles with every lap at sub-7.  I'd like to do a sub-6 again someday. 

Anyway, power of positive thinking…or just running on the track… shins didn't hurt today!  Yippee!!!!!  Keep that up!  Still need the new shoes, it's definitely time. 

Weather is nice and sunny and high 60's.  Good day for a run.

People on the track quickly figured out to not be in lane 1, since someone was actually RUNNING on the track…except for one lady…sheesh, get a clue.  I wish they'd write ON THE TRACK, "Slower traffic keep right."  Oh well.

Fun fun!!!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Short Loop Around Polliwog Park

Nothing too special, except I was running in my new shoes. Well, lo' and behold, they are too small. They changed the fit from the previous year's model. So, toes were annoyed, other than that they felt decent enough. Have to go looking for another pair.

Weather was as great as ever.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 9, Treadmill

Well, I had to run on the treadmill yesterday.  Just did 2.25 miles.  Sped up from about 8 or so min/mi for the 1st mile then picked it up.  6:53, 7:09, 7:34, 7:20, 6:31.  I think the 7:09 and 7:34, were more consistent.  I just wasn't so great hitting the lap button on the watch.  That last one is accurate at 6:31 pace, though.  I just kept hitting the speed up button.  I finished that last 10th at 9.6mph (6:15 pace).

Shin was so-so.  When I started feeling it tweaking I just lengthened my stride and tried to do more heal/toe rollin' of the foot.  My ankle tendonitis was flaring up a bit, though, too.  I'm such a wreck.  I'm going to make sure my kids have better shoes when they start running.  Summer already definitely over-pronates quite a bit.  Jack some, but not too horribly.

Before that I did some pilates, stlil just the 20 minute workout.  I think a few more times of that before I attempt the long one.  I want to get a bit more stable on the moves for the short one.

Pretty decent overall.  This morning (the 10th) I did some sit-ups/roll-overs and push-ups.  It's funny, when I had the hurting shin I stopped everything, and even started eating more and bad.  I have to stay focused.  Hopefully today will be better. 

Jess is telling me to get my shoes so I can do another run on Thursday.  She is being very supportive.  I'm also helping her with her workouts.  She ran and worked out yesterday, too.  Since she had to be home during the day and all.

That's it.  Caught back up.  Hopefully can get those shoes and get some more running in next week!  Golf tourney (scramble) on Friday!

June 3rd, Flat Around Work

I don't actually recall this run too much.  I just know I posted on facebook that my shins started hurting.  I pretty sure it was a simple one out around the flats, just down to artesia and back.

Overall, just 2.6 miles at 7:52 pace.  Pretty chill.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

June 2nd - 2 Miler at Home

After work I got a chance to head out for a quick run.  Quick meaning fast!

Mile 1 - 7:27
Mile 2 - 7:13

Total 2.09 - 15:15.7  - 7:17.7 pace

Felt good, too.  Just out/up Palms, over the 405 and around the park and back.  Chugged it a bit on the way back up over the freeway.  Ended up with a nice negative split, which as I always say, is a goal of mine.  Three laps over 7:30 and 3 laps under 7:00.  Would love to run on the track and see what I could do as far as pacing consistency.

Weather is as fantastic as ever.  Body is getting more used to it, but I did start feeling a slight twinge of possible shin-splints.  Time for some new shoes, soon. 

Missed doing pilates after the run, or after kids hit the hay.  Plan on running tomorrow at lunch and hopefully get in pilates tonight, or at least some good sit-(and push)-ups.

Friday, May 29, 2009

LONG Work Run - To the Beach

So much more hilly than I thought it would be. 150 feet, just about, up and down a couple of times. I absolutely DESPISE walking during a run, but I just HAD to. 7:53 pace for the first 5k, and overall that was downhill....yeah, right! Check that elevation profile. Then I walked.

Overall 7.08 miles in an hour - 8:29 pace. If I take out the walking, I performed 6.79 miles in 55:08 - 8:07 pace. I can live with that.

Weather was low-mid 60's, overcast, so nice.

Strain was both legs and breathing. Nice when it's a pretty even hit, so it doesn't feel like one or the the other is holding you back. Last thing I can say is this, "7 miles, plus logo tee = chafing"

Thursday, May 28, 2009

May 28 - Work Lunch Run

OK, so, I liked this.  Fairly cool.  Sunny, slight, very little, beeze. 

Ran a bit flatter route.  Kept it very consistent.  Ignoring the last half mile, when I started trying to kick it in, especially that last quarter (which I did in 6:28 pace) I had each 1/4 km within 5.3 seconds of each other.  Meaning the pace was always within 34.2 seconds per mile.  That is amazingly good.  I only had 3 "laps" at 8:01.8, 8:00.7 and 8:00.9.  The rest remained below 8min/mi!

Nothing really hurt.  Breathing and legs felt fine.  I'm liking that I've done pilates twice now (including this morning before work) and some push-ups and sit-ups lately.

All of this should help with my weight, energy, physical appearance, (golf game :-D ), sleep, HDL cholesterol levels (Overall my Chol is good, but I should increase my HDLs a bit), life span, etc…..and I'm TRYING to eat more healthily, too.  This is the hard part.

Will get the MB data in here shortly.  Can't do at the office.  They are adding "ANT Wireless" tech to the newer watches, but it'll be even more cool when they add wifi, or some cell network, so it can just upload all on it's own to the internet.  I give it 3 years.

OK, go go go!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Longer Work Run

Around Work: 3.32 mi - 26:29 / 7:57 pace
Fastly Improving
OK, a nice run, sped up the whole time, after starting uphill. Decent weather, and felt so good to get another sub-8 out of myself. And for a bit longer distance. Gonna just keep on keeping it up!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Tuesday, May 26 Run

Well, another pretty darned good day. Headed out a bit uphill and a bit into the wind. Which means I had a bit downhill and a tailwind on the way back. Just over 5k, (3.33) which is nice to go a bit longer.

Overall pace got better throughout, which is what I always like to see. At least finish with a negative split of some sort. 7:57.8 was final overall pace!

I'll upload the run from MB later.

The sun broke through and it started warming up about 11AM. I ran around noon. I wish I would have gone earlier. I like the cold and dreary, which makes for an easier run.

Just so glad to have run FOUR TIMES in the last 7 days. Only a touch over 10 miles for the week, but that is a great start. Will need to run more at home in the mornings when I can wake up early and get more time for longer distances. I don't want to be away from my desk for 2 hours to change and run and clean up. My goal would be about 30 miles, by running 5 or 6 days a weeks.

We'll see! As my Rose-Hulman coach always said, "GO, GO, GO!"

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Home Run

Ran pretty fast.

Did some pilates (Just the 20 min DVD). Then took off. I told myself, oh, it'll be uphill on the way back. Then said, "Shut up and be positive. Just keep going smoothly." Near the end I totally felt it. I was able to keep it up, and actually sped up the whole time, ro finish at about 7:21 pace! Super cool! Especially for doing it after another work out.

Hot and slight breeze. Finished uphill and into the wind, which made it even more impressive that I finished so strong!

Friday, May 22, 2009

May 22

Yay, 2 runs in one week!!!!

Much better pace. Started out up the hill on Manhattan Beach Blvd…so slow the first half. I had the watch on the wrong sport (the last two runs), so I don't have the normal lap info. This time I noticed after 1.42 miles and started using the lap button. So, they were:

Mi time pace
1.42 11:36 8:10
521(ft) 41.05(s) 6:56 (Down a hill obviously)
.17 1:12 7:05
.35 2:45 7:49
.3 2:07 7:09
2.34 18:21 7:51 Total

Not bad. The legs started out a bit sore, but loosened up pretty quick. Breathing and legs both were the drivers going out/up the hill. Going flat and down, just general being out of shape was the driver. Breathing actually wasn't too bad, it was more legs from going more quickly.

Sunny, warm and generally a nice day!