Thursday, June 21, 2007

June 21, 2007 - CW Around River 10k+

Motionbased Data

HOT HOT HOT!!!! Holy cow, took off fast, about 15 minutes for first 2 miles, felt great, then the heat really got to me. Steve maintained much better than me. Felt left leg a bit, but that came and went. Left quad had tightness for a minute or two, that, too, went away. Really just started feeling worn out due to the 85°-ish degree heat. Ouch!

Leg still sore off and on, pain moving from inside to front and almost to the left, so it's healing, just needs more time. However, Steve has talked me into doing a "dip and dash" which will be entirely intersting...and Jess thinks so, too and wishes she could come watch me drown, oh, I mean swim. Oops.

So, I'm going to try and run once this weekend and easy on Monday to be ready to go Tuesday. Hopefully it's a bit cooler Tuesday at 6PM than it was at 9AM for this run...Temp in the mid-upper 80's.

Also, I finally routed out my old run around my apartment back in LA...I always thought my car driving CCW was adding a bit more to the route, but I couldn't tell how much. Well, with the wonderful mapping of mapmyrun (which I use for mapping without it being a current workout), I was able to find out the real distance. And it affected my measured pace by about 12 or so seconds per mile. Oops, again.

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