Tuesday, June 05, 2007

June 5, 2007 - Welcome Back Western 10k

Been a while, eh? Well, I'm back and trying to heal. Went out today, plan was 3-4 miles 8:30-ish pace...did 10k at 8:19...8:23 first half, about 8:15 second half.

First two miles my left leg hurt, but I focused on heal strike and good form and the pain went away mostly. It's back a bit now, tonight, so I am icing it and plan on running on Friday, but not before.

Also, I'm a bit sick, but, what can you do, I needed to get out of the office, away from the dust and allergens. So, it felt OK overall. Think I'll be OK for the July 28th run, and maybe one before if I can find a 5k somewhere. This was the first time I ever set the auto-lap on. Set to every 1/4 mile. Very nice, loads up into Motionbased very nicely.

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