Friday, May 29, 2009

LONG Work Run - To the Beach

So much more hilly than I thought it would be. 150 feet, just about, up and down a couple of times. I absolutely DESPISE walking during a run, but I just HAD to. 7:53 pace for the first 5k, and overall that was downhill....yeah, right! Check that elevation profile. Then I walked.

Overall 7.08 miles in an hour - 8:29 pace. If I take out the walking, I performed 6.79 miles in 55:08 - 8:07 pace. I can live with that.

Weather was low-mid 60's, overcast, so nice.

Strain was both legs and breathing. Nice when it's a pretty even hit, so it doesn't feel like one or the the other is holding you back. Last thing I can say is this, "7 miles, plus logo tee = chafing"

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