Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Running From the Old Office

<<SScreen_090109-001.jpg>> I had a meeting over there, so I ran from there, so I could get a turkey burger from the roach-coach.  Pretty easy, but did hit a lot of hills.  Around 1 mile I did a lap around a baseball field, which ended up being a ¼ at 6:51 pace.  I then slowed as I went across the other park and up that pretty big hill.  You can easily see where/when I went up and down hills, with the pace jumping around so much.  I did push it in a little near the end.  Always like doing that.

Right hamstring is a bit tight.  Need to stretch that more.  Neck still funky.  Will try sits/pushes tomorrow morning.

Weather was smokey/ashey (sort of), from all the local fires.  Temp was around 80°.  A bit muggy, overcast and just plain miserable to run in. 

I have no idea how Im keeping motivated.  Im starting to get bored again.  I need to drive somewhere to run in an interesting place.  I am looking forward to the race, and going to CO for the golf tourney and a run in the canyons with Steve T.  After that.who knows.  I think I may need to join a group.

Go go go

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