Monday, March 24, 2008

Mar 24, 2008 - Work Out Back Around River

Motionbased Data

On Sanoodi I said:
Hmmm...longer than Mar 5 and 14, but slower...not by much. 7:30 pace for 8 miles is the fastest I went that far. I don't think I could have dropped 10 sec/mi if I ran that mile less...maybe, but I doubt it.

But overall, pretty darn good. Same pains as always. Temp was about 60°F and that is warm. A good portion was downwind, i.e. NO WIND hitting me and it was SUNNY, right in my face, and HOT.

First run without a negative split in a while. Due to going out at 7:20 pace for two miles and 7:22 for the first 5k (22:53). Second 5k was 23:49, which is 7:41 pace. So, not horribly slow for that 5k, but definitely felt it.

Lungs even still burning.

What can you expect only running once in the last 5 days, twice in the last 6 counting today.
Talked with Steve, well emailed actually. His calf tweaked out again, so he road as I ran. Which is OK, since I was wanting to go a bit longer and at a decent clip. But, yowsers, Owwie, that hurt. Legs still twinging.

Tomorrow I'll shoot for the Havana hill with going around that lake area up by Havana and Orchard to add a bit to it...get 5.5 miles in about. I'm nearly to my 60 miles for the month already. Sweet.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Mar 21, 2008 - Work Trail Run Out Back

Motionbased Data

On Sanoodi I said:
Don't remember a lot about this. Will read motionbased and see if it gives me a clue and I'll put some words up on the blog.
Looking at what I said on MB, though I remember running with Steve, duh!

Good run, stayed with him until the last 3/4 miles. Then I really kicked it in. I was impressed with his speed/endurance after not running in such a while. It's funny, but while running with him, if I dropped behind on the single track areas I felt like I was tired and dogging it to keep up. If I got along side it felt fine, and the kick-in was totally OK, even though, yeah, of course I was breathing hard to get there.

As I always like to say. Great day overall.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mar 18m 2008 - Work Out Back up Havana

Motionbased Data

On Sanoodi I said:
Legs tired, left shin started hurting near the end...regular knee/back issue...I swear I'm going to do SOMETHING about it "soon".

Mid 40's, no wind, good to hit the hill...trying to keep up with the once a week.

So, took aff around 8min/mi, dropped it a bit, so was about 7:52 halfway through. Didn't "attack" the hill, but maintained a pace. On the down-slope I started picking it up. 4 of last 5 quarters were under 7 pace. Last FULL quarter was 5:48 pace. Very nice!

Tired from lack of sleep, Jack and a bit o' Summer. Need to eat and get some caffeine and head home.
OK, so in MB I said smoother/slower. And that was true for the beginning, and I recall it was pretty smooth, but even with that downhill, to pull off a 7:30 pace with that beginning is not a smooth/slow pace.

Good run overall. Feeling good.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Mar 17, 2008 - Work Hopping the Fence

Motionbased Data

On Sanoodi I said:
Felt surprisingly good. Knee was OK, but right back caused a bit of a limp, which made my knee hurt. Went away within first half-mile.

First 1/2 mile was "slow" at 7:12 and 7:20 pace, but then quickly picked it up for a sub-7 overall pace. Another run with a negative split. Pretty steady from 1.5-3.75, but then kicked it in with a half-mile at 6:40 pace. Nice! Especially since it includes that bit of a hill.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Mar 14, 2008 - Cruising, Out Around River

Motionbased Data

Yeah, 7:16 pace...about a 10th of a second negative split. Just under 7 miles, great pace, felt much better today. Could have gone a little faster. Slowed in the middle and picked it back up at the end. Good pace for nearly 7 miles. As I always say, have to run fast to get fast! Go Go Go!!!!!!

Nice weather again and listening to podcasts on my iPod. Good to get out with all this crazy work going on. Had minor pains, but much less.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Mar 13, 2008 - Short Outback Loop

Motionbased Data

More painful than I'd like. Getting little sleep again, and tweaked back in the morning, sadly.

Felt slow, too...started at 8min/mi but had a negative split and finished "strong" 7:40 average.

Perfect weather, 50 and mostly sunny, little wind.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mar 11, 2008 - Fast Havana Hill

Motionbased Data

Nice! Getting faster and faster (about 7:16 pace). Gotta run fast to get fast. (Tomorrow, if I run, it will be slower to "recover" just a tad, but still under 7:50 pace!

Legs tired. Right knee still tweaky, back getting better (not lifting lately - really want to do pilates before I lift aggressively, again).

Weather was basically too hot, 56-ish, sunny and little/no breeze!

No quarters above 8min/mi, even up the hill. Slowest was 7:52 just after the hill when I was catching my breathe. Slowest on the hill was 7:40. Good job!!!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mar 10, 2008 - Long Run

Motionbased Data

Wow, kinda painful. The two longer breaks this month with only two runs made this tougher than I'd expect...and walking around the house in socks made my left shin more susceptible to pain, so my foot was floppy. Back is better, didn't bug much at all. Knee...still crappy.

Decent pace (7:46), tried to keep it relatively even, and had a bit of a negative split, so that's all good.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

March 6, 2008 - 5k Tempo (Race Pace)

Motionbased Data

Well, not really RACE PACE, and looking back I had the same time on November 20th. But not the day after a 7 mile run at 7:19, that's pretty awesome. Writing this on Saturday (LATE) and I didn't run on Friday, although it was a nice day...just got busy at work. Today was busy hanging with the family. Check the family blog for what all we did...we went to Cripple Creek and went on a tour of a gold mine. Yeah, it was pretty cool.

Anyway, about this run. I tried keeping every quarter under 7, but missed by 1 quarter going up the second to last hill. D'oh. Kicked that last hill though! Id I had remembered my Nov 20 run, I would have tried even harder to get sub 21. That is now my goal next time I do a 5k around work. In a week or so, I guess.

Weather for the run was about 32°, right around freezing, which is shorts and a long T weather, and it felt great going fast. Little to no wind. And, yeah, all my ailments were still there, but a bit less. I'll keep working on them...and MAYBE get to a Chiro this coming week?

I'm hoping to run tomorrow, that'd be good.

March 5, 2008 - 7 Miles Fast

Motionbased Data

So, still having the issues with my back, shin and knee...still shakes out in the first half mile. I really need to get to the chiro... Pretty nice day. Cold, but no real wind, so went around the river again, and tried to (and succeeded in having a) hace a nice negative split. 7:16 average for the last 3.5 miles! Nice!

Trying to get faster. Sad I missed 4 days running. Hope to go again tomorrow.