Friday, October 06, 2006

Friday Oct 6, 2006

Wow, so I did it, I really did...I ran twice in one week! And after that long super painful one, too! Yippee!!!

So, what'd we do? Well, just about 4 miles in about 32 minutes, right around 8 min/mile pace. mid-high 70's, bit breezy (Web said wind up to 23 MPH...didn't feel that much.)

Quick 4-Miler
So, the trick with this run...took a slightly different route than expected, not too big of a deal. Still right around 4 miles, so not too bad. The two tricky parts were kicking a stump and taking a tumble, and a portion of the path was run over and basically a mud-pit...basically walked through it to not splash, but still was a few inches deep and got shoes and socks soaked.

Run felt pretty OK. Steve was cool and gently prodded me and kept the pace up. We started the the first bit to the gate at around 7:30-7:45 pace...then slowed a bit, then from the gate back we kept it to about 8 min/mile pace. Not too bad.

Right leg tight right now, I hit it yesterday while shooting pool with Chuck, another guy from work. Had a big ol' protein shake and took my vitamins tonight. Will TRY to run a short distance on Sunday, next run at work is tentatively planned for Tuesday.

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