Friday, August 21, 2009

Chillin' 4-Miler

Legs still sore from the intervals on Tuesday. I'm glad I did them, because the pain feels so good! :-D

Today I started out warming up with a nice 9 holes at Harbor Golf course. Played decent, 4 pars, 4 bogies, 1 blow up hole. Just need to work on my consistency. Kind of like my running. I need to keep it more consistent, and keep building up the mileage. Have a race coming up in 4 weeks and then a couple more before the "BIG ONE" in DC next spring.

Golf had bright sunny skies, but when I ran it got more overcast. Not too warm when I ran. Felt great. So good to be out. Gotta stretch and get to sleep now!

And, no, I haven't done my sits/pushes lately. Going to be an early morning thing. I think my body has recovered from some of the pains pre/post intervals.

Go go go!

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